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CS meets tree experts (with photo)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, today (May 20) met 11 tree experts from academia, conservancy, related professional institutes and organisations, to hear their views and recommendations on improvements to the Government's tree management work.

     After the meeting, Mr Tang said the Government Task Force he headed was conducting a comprehensive review of Hong Kong's tree management system, with particular focus on regulatory framework, institutional arrangement, human capacity building and allocation of resources.

     Mr Tang thanked the experts for their recommendations.  He said, "Those attending today's meeting are scholars and professionals with plenty of tree management expertise and experience. They tendered constructive and useful ideas on how to further improve our tree management system, particularly on how to strike a balance between greening, tree conservation and public safety in Hong Kong's distinctive environment. My heartfelt thanks for their valuable advice which provides an objective and scientific basis for our review."  

     In the next two days, Mr Tang will listen to the views of the Legislative Council and 18 District Councils on tree management.

Ends/Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:00


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