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CE attends commencement ceremony of the construction of Second West-East Natural Gas Pipeline (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, attended the ceremony to kick start the construction of the eastern section of the Second West-East Natural Gas Pipeline in Shenzhen this (February 7) morning.

     The ceremony was attended by Vice Premier Li Keqiang, senior officials of the relevant ministries and commissions, as well as representatives of the provinces and cities covered by the West-East Natural Gas Pipeline.

     "Last year, the National Energy Administration signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on energy cooperation with the HKSAR Government. The MoU enabled Hong Kong to obtain a sustained and stable supply of clean energy from the Mainland. This will not only be conducive to the sustainable growth of Hong Kong's economy, but also to the optimisation of our energy structure and reduction in emission of air pollutants, hence paving the way for developing the Pearl River Delta Region into a green and quality living area," the Chief Executive said.

     The Chief Executive expressed gratitude to the Central Government for agreeing to supply natural gas to Hong Kong via the Second West-East Natural Gas Pipeline. The relevant enterprises in Hong Kong have been planning for the construction of the pipelines connecting to Hong Kong, striving to have the project completed in or before 2013.

Ends/Saturday, February 7, 2009
Issued at HKT 12:32


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