SHA's opening remarks at press conference on Equestrian Events (with video)

     The following are the opening remarks (English translation)delivered by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, at the press conference on the Equestrian Events today (August 4):

     Thank you for coming to this joint press conference. Apart from our Home Affairs Bureau colleague, we have Assistant Commissioner of Police, Operations, Mr Suen Kwai-leung, and Assistant Commissioner for Transport (New Territories), Miss Cindy Law. We also have the Hon. Deputy Secretary General of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF & OC), Prof Leung Mee Lee; Mayor of the Hong Kong Olympic Village, Ms Elsie Leung; and Chief Executive Officer of the Equestrian Company, Mr Lam Woon-kwong.

     As we all know, the 29th Olympic Games will be officially opened in Beijing on Friday. Starting from  Saturday, the Olympic Equestrian Events will be held in Sha Tin and Beas River, Hong Kong, one of the co-host cities of the Beijing Olympic Games.  In other words, the Olympic Games will progress from its preparatory stage to the competition stage. This is the purpose of today's press conference.

     I wish to take this opportunity to emphasise the profound significance of the Olympic Games, though you are well versed in this. The hosting of the Olympic Games has been the nation's dream for a century. In the past, because of the impoverishment of our Motherland and the physical weakness of the Chinese people, it was virtually impossible for China to send athletes to take part in the Games. It is now that the nation's dream of hosting the Games can be realised. It is China's solemn pledge to host a successful Olympic Games. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Hong Kong to co-host the Equestrian Events, to bring fame and glory to our nation and demonstrate to the world Hong Kong's characteristics and advantages. We should not miss this chance.

     In the past three years, all the participating organisations including the SF&OC, the Equestrian Company, Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Hong Kong Equestrian Federation and more than 40 government bureaux and departments have done tremendous work for the Equestrian Events. We are ready. The Chief Executive has chaired interdepartmental meetings and inspected the competition venues, to see for himself the preparatory work. With all the preparations completed, it is the moment for the competitions, for the athletes from various countries and regions, and for Hong Kong people to take part in and enjoy the Games.

     We have always believed that public involvement and support are crucial to the successful co-hosting of the Olympic Games. A good example is the torch relay in Hong Kong which was held successfully on May 2, with full community participation. We also need the public's support and co-operation to make the Equestrian Events a success. The organisation of the Olympic Games is a very complicated process. We must strike an appropriate balance between facilitating the public to enjoy the competitions and ensuring the events are run smoothly and securely. Later my colleagues will talk about some points to note and rules to follow.

     First of all, I would like to invite Prof Leung Mee Lee to introduce the Olympic Games and Hong Kong's participation in the Games. Prof Leung is a professor from Baptist University and has set up a dedicated Olympic library.

Ends/Monday, August 4, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:22