STH discusses airport co-operation with Shenzhen officials (with photos)

    The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Ms Eva Cheng, exchanged views with Shenzhen municipal government officials in a duty visit today (December 4) on the strengthening of co-operation between the airports of Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

     The visit aimed to follow up on an initiative in the Chief Executive's Policy Address to forge closer ties between the two airports.    

     During the visit this morning, the secretary toured the facilities at Shenzhen Airport and was briefed on the airport's daily operation.

     She then met the Vice Mayor of Shenzhen, Mr Zhang Siping, to discuss the preparatory work for a joint task force to be set up.  The task force will study the strengthening of co-operation between the two airports and the feasibility of a rail connection between the two airports and explore other areas of cooperation to enable the airports to fully complement each other.

     Ms Cheng said she was pleased with the progress of the preparatory work and thanked Shenzhen officials for their support and efforts.  She said she believed that both sides had great sincerity to cooperate and was confident that specific work plans could be formulated early next year to keep the project on the track set out by the Chief Executive in his Policy Address.

     Other officials who joined the visit included the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Mr Francis Ho; Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Mr Philip Yung; Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Mr Esmond Lee; Director of Highways, Mr Wai Chi-sing, and Principal Government Engineer/Railway Development, Highways Department, Mr Wan Man-lung.

Ends/Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:25