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United Christian Hospital sentinel event

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson of United Christian Hospital (UCH) announced the following medical incident today (16 October 2007):

     A Medical Technologist of the Pathology Department of UCH has mislabelled the blood specimen of two patients (a 73-year-old male geriatric patient and a 24-year-old female obstetric patient) on 14 October 2007, resulting in the unnecessary blood transfusion for the male patient while causing delay in transfusion for the female patient.

     The hospital immediately arranged examination and provided appropriate treatments to the two patients concerned once the incident was reported on 15 October 2007.  It was confirmed that the incident did not involve incorrect blood type transfusion. The two patients are now in stable condition and under close monitoring. The hospital has provided detailed explanation to the concerned patients and their family.  Apology has also been extended to both concerned patients.  

     The incident was noticed on 15 October 2007 when examinations and blood test were being carried out for the two concerned patients, and discrepancies were identified in the blood tests of the two patients when compared with their previous results.

     When the incident occurred, the computer system of the Pathology Department, the Generic Clinical Request System, was under routine checking and maintenance. According to existing protocol and guidelines, certain procedures of the operations have to be handled manually during system maintenance.

     When the incident was revealed, the department concerned immediately reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office (HAHO) and UCH hospital management according to HA Sentinel Events Reporting System.  A panel will be set up to investigate into the incident with the report to be completed in six weeks' time for submission to HAHO.  If staff negligence was confirmed in the investigation findings, the concerned staff will be dealt with in accordance with the human resources policy.

     Following the incident, monitoring of the relevant operational procedures and staff awareness has immediately been enhanced to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

Ends/Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:35


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