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People advised not to swim or dive in Hoi Ha

    The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) today (July 1) advised people not to swim, dive or engage in water-based activities in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park following a sighting of sharks by a member of the public.

     A department spokesman said patrols on land and at sea in the park were stepped up immediately after the sighting and notices had been put up at various locations to advise visitors to stay away from water.

     According to the person who saw sharks inside the park, the animals were two to three feet long. Experts at the department confirmed that the mammals in a picture he had taken were two juvenile sharks.

     The spokesman urged the public not to swim, dive or engage in water-based activities in the park for the time being, adding that the department would continue to monitor the situation closely.

Ends/Sunday, July 1, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:24


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