Suspected Acute Gastroenteritis outbreak under investigation

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is following up 14 members of a tour group who developed symptoms of acute gastroenteritis after travelling to Egypt from February 16 to 25.

     The affected people, 5 males and 9 females, aged 7 to 76, developed diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain from February 21 to 23 while travelling in Egypt.

     Investigation revealed that they travelled on a cruise ship from February 20 to 23 in Egypt and had consumed meals on the ship.
     Eight had sought medical treatment but none required hospitalisation. All are in stable condition.

     The CHP has provided health education to the travel agency concerned.

     To prevent gastroenteritis, members of the public should observe the following precautions:

* wash hands thoroughly before handling food and eating and after using the toilet or handling vomit or faecal matter;

* wear gloves when disposing of vomit and faeces and wash hands afterwards;

* clean and disinfect contaminated areas and items promptly and thoroughly with household bleach diluted in a ratio 1 in 49 units of water;

* make sure that food, particularly seafood and shellfish, is cooked thoroughly.

    People can obtain more information on the prevention of viral gastroenteritis from the CHP's website ( or call the Central Health Education Unit hotline, 2833 0111.

Ends/Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:19