Two employers fined $64,000 for wage offences

    The Park Language Group Limited, an educational institute, and Mr Law Ming, an employer in the car maintenance sector were fined $40,000 and $24,500 respectively at the Eastern Magistrates' Courts and Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts today (January 29) for wage offences under the Employment Ordinance. The prosecutions were launched by the Labour Department.

     The Park Language Group Limited failed to pay wages to three employees within seven days of the expiry of the wage period and the termination of employment.

     Mr Law failed to pay wages to an employee within seven days of the expiry of the wage period and the termination of employment. In addition to paying the fines, he was ordered to clear the outstanding wages via court.

     According to Section 23 and 25 of the Employment Ordinance, wages due upon expiry of the last day of the wage period or upon termination of employment shall be paid as soon as practicable, but not later than seven days.

     Any employer who fails to do so wilfully and without reasonable excuse is liable to a maximum fine of $350,000 and imprisonment for three years.

     The Labour Department urged employees who are owed wages to call its complaint hotline, 2815 2200 immediately.

Ends/Monday, January 29, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:31