Secretary for Security explains crime situation

    Following is the transcript (English portion) of the remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose SK Lee, at a media session held after the Fight Crime Committee meeting this (November 14) afternoon:

Secretary for Security: The Fight Crime Committee has convened its meeting this afternoon and we have reviewed the crime statistics for the first 10 months of this year. Overall, there has been a slight increase in the number of crimes in Hong Kong, an increase of 4.4%, mainly involving thefts, deception, wounding and criminal intimidation. There is also a slight increase in drug offences. As regards criminal offences committed by visitors, I am glad to report that although this year we have witnessed an increase in Mainland visitors, the number of offences committed by Mainland visitors has in fact dropped.

Reporter: ... the number of domestic violence cases ...

Secretary for Security: It is true that in the past three years, the number of domestic violence cases shot up. For the first nine months of this year, the number of domestic violence incidents involving criminal activities like assault and criminal intimidation increased by as much as over 30%. I think the number exceeded 1,200 and the comparable number last year was about 900. We are deeply concerned. The Police and our social workers will work hand in hand to tackle the problem.

Reporter: I know the Government has been doing a lot ... but why do we still see these domestic violence cases?

Secretary for Security: Domestic violence is like any violent crime, I don't think we can say that there is one single solution to this kind of problem. I don't think in any civilised community, they can say that there will be no domestic crimes in their community. All we can do is to raise the alertness of our officers and to educate the community and family members not to resort to violence to solve problems.

Reporter: ... what sort of ...?

Secretary for Security: I think it must be sort of a multi-agency approach including education in our schools, promotion and PR campaigns to appeal to the public, and to enhance the training of our social workers and police officers.

Reporter: There has been a marked increase in criminal intimidation cases ...

Secretary for Security: The majority of criminal intimidation cases relate to disputes, and some also relate to domestic disputes between spouses, and some between friends and business partners. And maybe two drinkers in a bar, after a few drinks, they challenge each other. For those criminal intimidation cases that relate to triad activities, our figure is about 10%. It is not as significant as we think.

Reporter: ... increase in bank robbery cases ...

Secretary for Security: There have been 23 cases of bank robberies so far this year. But, out of these 23, 17 were reported in the first quarter. Many of these bank robberies involved only one robber who threatened to use violence against the teller and then asked for money. In the majority of these cases, the teller was vigilant and pressed the alarm, the robber then fled. And, since the first quarter, the Police have stepped up liaison with banks, and we have also stepped up patrols at banks. The number of such cases dropped dramatically in the past one or few months.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:37