Valid nominations in the religious subsector

    The Returning Officer of the Religious Subsector has determined the validity of all the nominees nominated by the six designated bodies in the religious subsector.

     For the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, since the number of nominees has exceeded the assigned number (ie seven) for that body, and the body has not indicated any preference among the nominees, the Returning Officer has determined, in accordance with law, which nominees of the body are to make up the assigned number by drawing lots on 8 November.  The lots were drawn in the presence of a representative of the nominating body and nominees who were able to come to the occasion.

     For The Confucian Academy and The Hong Kong Buddhist Association, each has one invalid nominee amongst those given priority by the designated nominating bodies.  The place of these invalid nominees will be taken up by other nominees nominated by the respective bodies in accordance with the order of priority indicated by the bodies in the nomination form.

     Please refer to the attachment for the nominees who will represent the religious subsector on the Election Committee.

     The Returning Officer will publish a notice in the Gazette next Thursday (November 16) declaring the above nominees as EC members.

Ends/Thursday, November 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 23:21