Appointment of Deputy Director of Broadcasting

    In response to media enquiries about the appointment of Ms Gracie Foo as Deputy Director of Broadcasting, the Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Communications and Technology), Mr Francis Ho, made the following comments today (August 9):

     ¡§We have followed established civil service policy and procedures to find the most suitable candidate within the civil service to be the Deputy Director of Broadcasting.

     ¡§Ms Foo is a capable officer in public administration and management. She has 10 years of working experience as a directorate officer. She has been the Deputy Director-General of Telecommunications since 2003 and prior to that had worked in the then Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau, Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau, Finance Bureau, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto and the then Civil Service Branch and New Airport Projects Coordination Office. She thus has had extensive policy, regulatory and management experiences in a wide range of public duties.

     ¡§I have every confidence in Ms Foo's ability to assist the Director of Broadcasting in RTHK's continued endeavour to pursue quality public broadcasting services with excellence, responsibility and integrity.¡¨

Ends/Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:45