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Hong Kong people value caring for parents tradition

   A Government spokesman said today (April 24) that studies showed that Hong Kong people still treasured many Chinese traditional values, such as "to honour the aged of the others as we honour our own".

    The spokesman said the preliminary findings of a study on image of ageing in Hong Kong released by the Elderly Commission in November 2005 found that approximately 60 per cent of children and grandchildren offered financial support to their parents or grandparents.

    Besides, the Census and Statistics Department conducted a thematic household survey in 2004 on information relating to the socio-demographic profile, health status and long-term care needs of older persons. It was estimated that 61 per cent of the elderly population (about 550,000 people) received financial support from their children or relatives. Among the 128,700 economically active older persons, 35.5 per cent expected that their financial means to maintain daily living after retirement are financial support from children.

    "The Government recognised this family value and encouraged the public to take care of their elderly family members so that they could enjoy their retirement life", the spokesman said.

Ends/Monday, April 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 20:33