Hong Kong and Fujian jointly promote pan-PRD to German investors (with photo)

    Hong Kong and Fujian teamed up to hold a seminar in Dusseldorf, Germany yesterday (November 23, Dusseldorf time) to promote investment in the two places. Over 80 senior business executives participated in the seminar and the discussions concerning the business environments and opportunities in Hong Kong and Fujian.  

     The seminar, themed "Hong Kong and Fujian: Partners for Your China Strategy", was the first joint initiative by the two places to promote investment opportunities in the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD). The seminar was organised by Invest Hong Kong and the Fujian Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (Fujian DOFTEC). It was co-organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels and supported by the German Asia-Pacific Business Association.

     The half-day seminar began with introductory remarks by the Executive Member of the Board of OAV, German Asia-Pacific Business Association, Dr Monika Staerk. This was followed by presentations by Mr Qin Hong Liang, Consul of Economic and Trade Office of the Chinese Embassy in Germany and the Deputy Representative to the European Communities, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels, Ms Shirley Lam.

     Leaders of the Hong Kong and Fujian delegations - the Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong, Mr Mike Rowse, and the Vice General-Director of Fujian DOFTEC, Mr Yang Biao ¡V encouraged German companies to explore the potential in the Pan-PRD region by investing in both Hong Kong and Fujian.  

     The Pan-PRD, which includes nine provinces and Hong Kong and Macau, is recognised as China's most affluent region. In 2004, one-third of China's GDP, amounting to about US$520 billion, was produced in Hong Kong, Fujian and the surrounding Pan-PRD region. The region has a total population of 450 million, representing 35% of China's total.

     In his keynote speech, Mr Rowse highlighted the distinct advantages of Hong Kong as a strategic gateway to access the Pan-PRD region. "Through this joint seminar with Fujian, we look forward to presenting to German investors the benefits of entering China with the right locations such as Hong Kong and Fujian. Hong Kong is a strategic entry point for businesses seeking to establish themselves in Asia; it is also a logical place from which to manage Asian operations.

     "The German business community has played an important role in our development for more than a century, with over 2,000 German expatriates and 550 German companies doing business in Hong Kong. Around one third of the German companies in Hong Kong act as a regional headquarters."

     "And there are many reasons that more German companies should establish operations in our city. For example, CEPA, the free trade pact between Hong Kong and Mainland China, offers opportunities for German companies to enter the Mainland market by setting up in Hong Kong, partnering with Hong Kong companies, or even acquiring a company in Hong Kong. It strengthens Hong Kong's position as the most direct and cost-effective path into the Mainland markets," Mr Rowse concluded.

     At the seminar, Mr Yang, said, "We are glad to partner with Hong Kong, our close economic partner in the region. The two places are maximising their complementary advantages through ongoing relationships across different sectors and vibrant business and trade activities. Fujian, located along the coast of Southeast China, is one of the most developed economies in the Mainland. Our city connects the two strongest economic regions in China ¡V the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta ¡V and forms China's largest economic area."

     Mr Yang also said, "Fujian offers an ideal investment environment for investors. We warmly welcome German enterprises to visit us and explore investment opportunities in Fujian."

     The Vice President of Linde Gas, Dr Wolfgang Nauth, shared his company's experience in investing in Hong Kong and Fujian. In addition, Mr Jurgen Kracht, Managing Director of Fiducia Management Consultants gave practical information on how to set up business operations in both places.

Ends/Thursday, November 24, 2005
Issued at HKT 09:53