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Results of Primary One discretionary places to be released next Monday

    The Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) announced today (November 18) that the allocation results of Primary One discretionary places for September, 2006, would be released next Monday (November 21) by all government and aided primary schools.

     "There are 51,178 applicants for discretionary places this year, of whom 26,032 will be offered a place by the schools. A total of 12,466 (or 24.4%) are applicants with sibling(s) studying or with parent(s) working in the schools that they have applied to, and the remaining 13,566 are selected according to the Points System," a bureau spokesman said.

     Parents are reminded to bring the parent's copy of the Application Form for Primary One Admission and check the results of their application between 9am and 5pm next Monday or Tuesday (November 22) at the school to which they have applied.

     Registration of successful applicants should be made on Wednesday (November 23) or Thursday (November 24) during school hours.

     Parents whose children have been offered a Primary One place are advised to note carefully the registration procedures and requirements of individual schools, such as bringing the parent's copy of the Application Form for Primary One Admission and the number of photographs required for registration purposes.

     "Parents who cannot register within the specified period should notify the responsible person of the school in advance to make alternative arrangements. Otherwise, they will be deemed to have given up their discretionary place," the spokesman said.

     Under the Primary One Admission System, each government or aided school may make use of about 50% of its total Primary One places as discretionary places. The remaining 50% will be reserved for Central Allocation at a later stage.

     "Parents of the applicants who failed to secure a discretionary place or who only opted for Central Allocation will be invited by letter by EMB in early January, 2006, to make choice of schools for Central Allocation at a designated Central Allocation Centre on January 21 or 22. Primary One places will then be allocated to these children in Central Allocation," the spokesman said.

     "Parents should note that once their children have been allocated a Primary One place, they cannot take part in the Primary One Admission System again in future," he added.

Ends/Friday, November 18, 2005
Issued at HKT 17:00


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