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CE's speech at the Banquet in Honour of Vice-President Zeng
Qinghong (with photos)

    Following is the speech (translation) by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the Banquet in Honour of Vice-President Zeng Qinghong today (September 11):

Honourable Vice-President Zeng, ladies and gentlemen,

     We are most privileged to have Vice-President Zeng Qinghong visiting Hong Kong. On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSAR) and the people of Hong Kong, I would like to extend the warmest welcome to Vice-President Zeng.

     This is the third occasion on which Vice-President Zeng has come to the Special Administrative Region. His thorough understanding of Hong Kong needs no elaboration. But I am sure he sees a different Hong Kong every time he visits. Hong Kong changes and progresses every day. Tomorrow is the official opening of Hong Kong Disneyland, and later we shall see the opening of more international conferences here. The world's attention will again be focused on this spectacular city ¡V Asia's world city. We can expect our economy to continue to show growth on all fronts and our strengths to continue to develop fully. This is due to a collective effort by the community and the SAR Government, as well as the great care and staunch support of the Central Government. May I express my most sincere gratitude to Vice-President Zeng and the Central leadership.

     Today, we have drawn together people from different sectors, backgrounds and political parties ¡V indeed, people of different minds. I am sure, however, that we are of one heart in our love for our country and Hong Kong. Because of this, we can find harmony among our differences. This harmony among differences enables us to overcome prejudices and stride forward in unison. We cherish what we have because we know that none of it comes easily. We all hope to be able to enjoy life in an environment of harmony, stability and prosperity.

     Be it in Hong Kong or the Mainland, people-oriented governance and greater harmony are what the community aspires to, and the direction the Government is charting. Vice-President Zeng has quoted a saying: "No medals are better than compliments from the people; no trophies are better than public praise." That aptly underlines the direction in which we are going. And Vice-President Zeng's smile and approachable demeanour when he meets the public are the best illustration of this.

Ends/Sunday, September 11, 2005
Issued at HKT 21:33


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