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Vice-President visits family and the elderly (with photos)

    On the second-day of his tour of Hong Kong, Vice-President Zeng Qinghong this morning (September 11) visited a four-member family in Ngau Tau Kok and Cheerful Court, a purpose-built complex for seniors in Kwun Tong.

     Accompanied by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, Mr Zeng visited Mr and Mrs So and their twin daughters in Tak Bo Garden. He was pleased to learn that Mr So, who worked at a container terminal, also volunteered to serve the community. He noted that mutual support and harmony were important elements of society.

     During his 20-minute stay, the Vice-President also cited Hong Kong's high efficiency and speed as examples of strengths that Hong Kong people should strive to maintain.

     Before leaving, Mr Zeng presented a Jiangxi teaware set to the family, and received in return a handcrafted gift showing the Chinese character, "Blessing".

     Mr Zeng next visited Cheerful Court in Kwun Tong, the Housing Society's purpose-built complex for middle-income seniors run under the Senior Citizen Residence Scheme. Cheerful Court is operated by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (SKH) Welfare Council.

     Mr Zeng was greeted by Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Dr York Chow, Hong Kong SKH Welfare Council Director Ms Dorothy Lau and Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Society Mr David Lee.

     Dr Chow briefed Mr Zeng on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's policies and services for the elderly. Then Ms Lau showed him the various medical and leisure facilities at the complex, including music room, library, Western and Chinese clinics and a dental care centre.

     Mr Zeng talked to staff in the library before visiting an elderly couple, Mr and Mrs Lee, in their 18th floor apartment. He presented them with a box of moon cakes and a fruit basket. The Lees, who are in good health and do all their own shopping, moved into Cheerful Court in April. Before retirement, 80-year-old Mr Lee was a wholesaler of game and he also ran a photographic studio. The couple has three sons, one daughter and 10 grandchildren.

     Mr and Mrs Lee were delighted at being able to welcome Mr Zeng to their home. They complimented him on his energy and high spirits. Later, the couple said that they had found Mr Zeng to be warm and approachable.

     During his visit, Mr Zeng stressed the need for respect for the elderly, who he said were a great asset to society. He said that the provision of care for the elderly was of universal concern.

     Mr Zeng also toured the Care Centre, which has 57 bed spaces. Here he presented a number of gifts for all the residents ¡V two massage chairs, 220 blood pressure test kits and a tapestry.

     Residents of Cheerful Court pay about $500,000 for their flats. Occupancy is now at 70%. Mr Zeng noted the success of the Senior Citizen Residence Scheme, adding that Beijing and Shanghai also placed much emphasis on the provision of services to the elderly. He said the elderly care sectors in the three places could share their experiences of their programmes.

     The Vice-President leaves Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon.

Ends/Sunday, September 11, 2005
Issued at HKT 19:22


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