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Joint statement between CE and President of EC


    The following is a Joint Statement issued by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR) and the European Commission on the occasion of the first official visit to the HKSAR by President Barroso on 18 July 2005:

1.   Hong Kong and the European Union are important economic partners with much common interest.  At our meeting today, we agree that it would be mutually beneficial to put in place a more structured dialogue between the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) and the European Commission (EC) in such areas of interest.

2.   We note the long-standing relationship between Hong Kong and the European Union, including Hong Kong's representation in Brussels since 1965 and the establishment of the Office of the European Commission in Hong Kong in 1993; we also note the successful implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle in the governance of the HKSAR and the principles established in its constitutional document - the Basic Law.

3.   The Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation will be held in Hong Kong this December. Trade has been a key driver in EU-Hong Kong relations. It is also a means to help developing countries integrate in the world economy and overcome poverty. Both the EC and the HKSARG attach great importance to achieving a substantive outcome of this Conference, which will pave the way for the successful conclusion of the Doha Development Round. We have asked our senior officials to work towards this objective.

4.   We agree that Hong Kong and the European Commission should develop, broaden and deepen cooperation in areas of common interest, through a structured dialogue, and we are instructing our respective officials to assess options and recommend ways forward in this regard.

5.   We further agree that it would be useful to periodically review progress in this dialogue at the leadership level. As our dynamic relationship continues, we stand ready to respond to new challenges and opportunities by updating our mutual agenda to meet future demands.

Mr Donald Tsang           Mr Jose Manuel Barroso

Chief Executive           President

The Hong Kong Special     The European Commission

Administrative Region

Ends/Monday, July 18, 2005


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