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CE officiates at opening ceremony of Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division


Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the opening ceremony of the Primary Division of the Diocesan Boys' School today (January 28):

The Right Reverend, the Hon Justice Pang, distinguished guests, parents, teachers, students, friends, ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to join you today in celebration of the opening of the primary division of the Diocesan Boys' School, DBS.

DBS celebrated its 135th anniversary last year. A history of 135 years is indeed a long one for a school. But for DBS, it is not only a long history but a proud history. DBS is one of the oldest schools in Hong Kong with tradition and innovation. Its most hallowed tradition is to offer academic excellence and an all-round education to our youngsters, a tradition that embodies a lively and forward-looking character. It has shown itself to be fully ready to embrace change and to squarely face the challenges of our time.

DBS is fully convinced that education is not confined only to the school hours or within the school boundary. It vows to provide our boys with ample opportunities to develop their potential to the full, through a continuous process involving a dedicated partnership between the parents and the school, and interaction with the community. In this way, DBS has successfully nurtured generations and generations of distinguished people for Hong Kong. They have become outstanding leaders holding important positions in different walks of life.

DBS joined the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) in September, 2003. With the completion of the primary division project in September, 2004, it started to materialise its dream of providing a continuous, progressive and coherent primary and secondary education using a "through-train" mode.

As a DSS school, DBS is given the flexibility and autonomy to run the school according to its vision and mission. Being students of a "through-train" school, you will find it much easier to adapt to secondary schooling as you are already familiar with the learning environment, the traditions and values of the school during your primary school years. Better still, both the primary and secondary students join force in the school orchestra, the school sports teams and all other learning groups. The senior students in the secondary school may serve as role models and lead the primary students to participate in school activities. On the other hand, the key tasks and new initiatives implemented in the primary division may continue to be promoted in the secondary school and take root there. It is wonderful.

I would like to say a few words on education reform. The DSS and the "through-train" mode are two of the many important initiatives that we advocate in our education reforms. We believe that timely education reforms are necessary in facilitating our society to migrate to a knowledge-based economy. It is most encouraging to note that after incessant efforts by the education sector, our reforms of primary and secondary education have started to produce results. Teachers have enhanced their quality and professionalism. Students are learning more happily and effectively. As evidenced in international studies, again and again, our students have done exceptionally well and earned favourable comments. In the recently released Trends in Mathematics and Science Study 2003, Hong Kong students ranked high in both mathematics and science, with an increasing proportion of "elite" performers. Our reforms are achieving results. I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all our dedicated and zealous teachers for their enormous contribution to the promotion of the education reforms. We will continue to provide the necessary resources to reduce their workload. Furthermore, we will allocate additional resources to enable our teachers to continue learning and to participate in professional development activities.

Today, we are here, we have the privilege of attending the official opening of the primary division consisting of a five-storey building with fully equipped classrooms, special rooms and other facilities. This is an auspicious beginning. I am confident that through the concerted efforts of your enlightened school managers, dedicated teachers, supportive parents, resourceful alumni and innovative students, DBS will scale new heights in the years to come.

Ladies and gentlemen, on this memorable occasion, I ask you all to join me in wishing the DBS every success in meeting future challenges. I wish all of you good health and happiness.

Thank you.

Ends/Friday, January 28, 2005


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