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CE addresses welcome-home ceremony for HK Olympic delegation


Following is the translation of the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the Welcome-Home Ceremony for the Hong Kong SAR Delegation to the Olympic Games this (August 31) afternoon.

Mr Fok, Mr Hui, our athletes, ladies and gentlemen,

I extend my warmest welcome to all members of the Hong Kong Delegation to the Olympic Games on their triumphant return from Athens.

To our local athletes I would say you have performed tremendously well in Athens. Your can-do spirit in fighting for the best results inspires each and every one of us. Hong Kong people are proud of you all.

We are deeply impressed by our table tennis doubles players, Li Ching and Ko Lai-chak, who have won an historic silver medal for us. All this is the reward for years of hard work and relentless efforts. They should be proud of themselves. We also take pride in all other members of our athletics team. Lee Lai-shan, a real idol of the Hong Kong people, has demonstrated the Hong Kong spirit of tenacity to fight until the end in adversity. Same for Wong kam-po. We are greatly inspired by his untiring quest to outperform a host of strong rivals in cycling.

The Olympic Games is the global arena for top athletes to compete against each other. It is, of course, good to win, but active participation and giving of their utmost is even more important. The unflinching courage of the 33 local athletes in striving for new heights have brought themselves and the whole community immense spiritual wealth and momentum.

The Athens Games and the performance of the Hong Kong Delegation have aroused public interest in the sports development in Hong Kong, pushing the Government to promptly complete its review on sports policy. In further promoting our sports development, we have quite a few factors to consider. For instance, ways to further promote the sports-for-all concept, students' participation and parental support, nurturing of elite athletes and their career opportunities, training of trainers, improvement to existing sports facilities and building new ones. The Home Affairs Bureau will continue with its work to solicit views from different sectors of the community to map out a new policy more conducive to sports development.

Your brilliant performance in the Olympic Games has touched the whole community. The impact is so great that all of us are strongly encouraged and deeply inspired to move forward. Thanks to you all.

Lastly, let me congratulate you all again on your outstanding achievements in the Athens Games and hope that you will press ahead with your mission for better results in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Thank you.

Ends/Tuesday, August 31, 2004


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