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CS' transcript


The following is the transcript(English portion) of a media session by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang today (July 14) after attending the constitutional development regional forum at Kiangsu-Chekiang College in Kwai Chung:

Reporter: How constructive you think these responses have been? Have you told the representatives how you take these public opinions? ... would argue that they would have been voting with their feet for universal suffrage ...?

Chief Secretary: I do believe if you would look at the substance of the discussions and the suggestions made in the respective areas of what we can change. I am sure there is a general consensus that people are serious about working within the parameters set by the National People's Congress and believe that there are enough areas for change. I am sure we have a very meaningful discussion. We have held last seminars and focused group discussion and would continue to do along the route. So far I am pretty content with the way things have been going and eventually I am sure the ideas or the proposals emerged from the discussions would reflect the general wish of the Hong Kong people.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Wednesday, July 14, 2004


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