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CE's speech at spring reception


Following is the translation of the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at his spring reception at Government House this (January 28) afternoon:

Distinguished guests and friends,

All this week, Hong Kong has been bustling with people, sales and business, an uplifting scene we have missed for some years. The long and cold winter is over and now our economy has entered a blossoming new season of spring.

Even more delightfully, the Mainland is thriving with life and vitality. It gives a powerful impetus to our economic revival. All indicators point to progress in economic restructuring and development. Leveraging on this trend, Hong Kong will see a bumper year ahead.

I am fully aware of the keen wish of the community at large that we ensure social stability and revive the economy while allowing people a respite to build up their strength. Riding this public support, the HKSAR Government will therefore forge ahead with the economic revival plans outlined in the Policy Address; we will get closer to the people and promote "people-based" governance; and we will seriously and properly handle the constitutional review for the healthy development of Hong Kong.

I believe all of you and the whole community share my feeling that Hong Kong once again enjoys immense opportunities after overcoming the challenges of recent years. The implementation of CEPA, the launch of "individual visits" by Mainland residents, enhanced co-operation with Guangdong and Shanghai, the establishment of local Renminbi banking services, active public listing and expansion of Mainland enterprises in our market, and the flourishing logistics industry all offer tremendous opportunities to Hong Kong and our people. I hope that all sectors of our community can seize this ideal moment to succeed in their business and scale new heights.

I would like to tell you the HKSAR Government is making every effort to widen the frontiers of co-operation with the Mainland, and the Central Government will continue to give strong support to these efforts. Good news will keep pouring in throughout the year ahead.

At this festive time of year, on behalf of the HKSAR Government, I wish all of you and the whole community a healthy, happy and productive New Year, and harmony and prosperity to our community.

Ends/Wednesday, January 28, 2004


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