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Speech by CE at HK Awards for Industry Presentation Ceremony


Following is a speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at the Awards Presentation Ceremony of the 2003 Hong Kong Awards for Industry at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this evening (October 27):

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to join you tonight for the Hong Kong Awards for Industry.

Over the years, our manufacturing sector has overcome challenge after challenge. The sector has transformed itself from one concentrating on simple, labour-intensive products to one focusing on sophisticated, high value-added products. Taking advantage of abundant land and labour in the Pearl River Delta, our industrialists expanded their production bases across the boundary while maintaining headquarter operations here in Hong Kong. This mode of operation has made best use of Hong Kong's relative strengths as well as Pearl River Delta's relative strengths, contributed to economic development in the region, and transformed Hong Kong from a manufacturing into a services centre.

Hong Kong products have established a reputation among Mainland consumers as high quality, high performance, durable, stylish, and value for money. 'Made by Hong Kong' is a valuable generic brand in the Mainland. The implementation of the "Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" (CEPA) will undoubtedly open new opportunities for our manufacturers and service providers. From next year, more than 270 Hong Kong product items will enjoy zero import tariffs while 18 services sectors, many manufacturing related, will be given preferential access to Mainland markets.

The CEPA agreement, the arrangement for closer collaboration between Guangdong and Hong Kong in developing greater Pearl River Delta, and today's fruitful discussion with leaders from Shanghai had put our economic cooperation with the Mainland on a much higher portal. With an increasingly larger and more affluent market in the Mainland, Hong Kong is well-positioned to gain a head start over other competitors. Our geographical proximity, cultural affinity and 'can do' spirit will give us additional competitive edge. I am sure that we can take full advantages of the new opportunities and move rapidly forward.

But to remain competitive in today's world, we need also to focus on such areas as better design of products, improved services, innovative and technical applications, enhanced productivity, quality production processes, and successful marketing of products and services around the globe. These various aspects are no longer 'optional extras' for industry. They are prerequisites for staying ahead of the competition. These goals are what the Hong Kong Awards for Industry have been promoting, and our industrialists have been pursuing.

I am encouraged that more than 260 entrants for the Awards were received this year. This is a testimony to the determination of our manufacturers to excel in their chosen field and to continuously enhance their products and services in the competitive global market.

The Government of course has a crucial role to play. We are committed to providing a conducive environment for the development of high valued-added and technology-based industries to help our manufacturers and services industries thrive. In this regard, we set up the Innovation and Technology Fund to encourage and support initiatives which are conducive to innovation and technology upgrading of Hong Kong's industries. We are also looking at how to further develop our creative industry. Noting that design is an integral part of our innovative capacity, we have been facilitating industries to harness on the prowess of design through various measures. For example, we have facilitated and supported the setting up of the Hong Kong Design Centre, a multi-disciplinary centre to promote design. To facilitate small and medium enterprises to develop original design manufacturing (ODM) capability, we supported the establishment of the Integrated Circuits Design and Development Support Centre in the Science Park, and a Digital Media Centre and a Wireless Solutions Development Centre in the Cyberport. Also, local higher education institutions such as the Polytechnic University's School of Design, the Hong Kong Design Council, and professional bodies have been playing a pivotal role in raising the design standards in Hong Kong, in fostering design-related education, and in training design talents. The Government will continue to work closely with all of them to promote innovation and design in the most efficient and effective manner.

Looking at the Hong Kong Awards for Industry, which involve large, medium and small enterprises, it is obvious that it is not the size of your business that matters most. Rather, it is the way you run your business that ultimately determines success or otherwise. I am delighted that the Hong Kong Awards for Industry provide a valuable opportunity to showcase the achievements of our industries and their performance.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the award winners this evening. You have done a fine job in demonstrating the strength and excellence of our industries. Such excellent work deserves our recognition and praise. I am sure that others in your fields will try to emulate your success.

Thank you very much.

Ends/Monday, October 27, 2003


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