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Health guideline ready to receive Guangdong visitors


In response to media enquiries on whether the resumption of group tours to Hong Kong from Guangdong would be postponed, a spokesman for the Tourism Commission said the Tourism Commission had contacted the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Administration. The Guangdong Provincial Tourism Administration clarified that the China National Tourism Administration had agreed that group tours to Hong Kong would be resumed. The Guangdong Tourism Administration would actively make arrangements to enable its residents to join tours to visit Hong Kong starting June 1. The date of the resumption will not be postponed.

We have already worked out a health guideline to receive visitors from Guangdong. The Tourism Commission, the Department of Health, and the travel trade, including the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Travel Industry Council, have discussed the necessary hygiene measures. A health guideline has been formulated and released by the Department of Health to the travel trade. This helps to ensure visitors will enjoy a happy and healthy stay in Hong Kong.

Ends/Saturday, May 31, 2003


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