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SHA invites Irish expert group for an SARS update


Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, has invited the Irish SARS Expert Group to have a video conference with Hong Kong's medical experts for an update of the SARS situation in Hong Kong.

The Irish Expert Group's advice has prompted the Irish authorities to request the Hong Kong Delegation not to attend the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held in Dublin next month.

Dr Ho's invitation was extended to the head of the Irish Expert Group, Dr Jim Kiely, via the Economic and Trade Office in Brussels and also via Ireland's Honorary Consul in Hong Kong.

Dr Ho looked forward to the Expert Group amending its advice after learning of the actual situation here.

"I hope that the Irish authorities will revisit their decision."

"The Irish authorities have not followed advice by the World Health Organisation and have made a decision that has not given due regard to the precautionary measures that the Hong Kong Special Olympics has proposed to take before departure," said Dr Ho.

End/Saturday, May 17, 2003


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