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SHA's statement on Special Olympics Games


The Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, deeply regrets the decision of the Irish authorities in requesting the Hong Kong Delegation not to attend the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held in Ireland in June this year.

He comments that the travel restrictions imposed on the Hong Kong Delegation are unnecessary and unreasonable, without giving due regard to the precautionary measures proposed to be undertaken by the Hong Kong Delegation to prevent the transmission of SARS.

"The Hong Kong Delegation has proposed to the Irish Special Olympics Organising Committee a series of precautionary measures for the participating athletes to safeguard their health prior to departure for the Games. Being a member of the international community, Hong Kong will fulfil our obligation in preventing the spread of SARS. There is no ground for undue concern."

Making reference to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr Ho adds that both the WHO and the CDC do not recommend exclusion of persons from areas affected by SARS to participate in international meetings or events.

Dr Ho urges the Irish authorities to re-consider their decision, and pledges that we would maintain dialogue with the relevant parties with a view to resolving the matter in a mutually acceptable manner.

He said: "Ireland has always been a beautiful country that opens its doors to visitors all over the world. We look towards Ireland to continue being so."

End/Friday, May 16, 2003


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