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First meeting of the Task Force on Employment after the revamp


The Task Force on Employment, with its revamped membership to include the political parties, met today (November 12) for the first time.

The Financial Secretary, Mr Antony Leung, said after chairing the meeting: "We had a very good discussion at the first meeting of the revamped Task Force on Employment. Members offered constructive ideas on how to ease unemployment. We will seriously examine their suggestions."

"The Task Force will consider how best the Government could enhance its role in facilitating Hong Kong's creation of jobs."

"Tackling the unemployment problem requires the concerted efforts of the government, the business and labour sectors and the community at large," Mr Leung said.

At the meeting, Members were briefed on the latest economic and labour market situation. The economy staged a recovery in the more recent quarters, underpinned by vibrant growth in both merchandise trade and inbound tourism. The turnaround was mainly propelled by a rebound in exports of goods and services, on the back of firmer regional demand and improved external price competitiveness upon a weaker US dollar. The labour market has shown some improvement in recent months.

"With domestic demand still sluggish and with a possible relapse in the US economy, Hong Kong's economic outlook however remains uncertain. The near-term outlook will hinge on the overall economic situation, and in particular, job creation in the corporate sector, for absorbing more of the first-time job seekers into employment," Mr Leung said.

Members noted the encouraging response to the recent job bazaar organised by the Labour Department, which offered over two thousand vacancies in a wide range of occupations and industries. Another job fair focusing on the catering trade and offering over one thousand vacancies will be mounted on December 5.

At the meeting, members were also briefed on the employment-related initiatives endorsed by the Task Force over the past four years.

End/Tuesday, November 12, 2002


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  • FS' transcript (12.11.2002)

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