Press Release



By-election candidates' list numbers determined


The order of the names of six candidates to be printed on ballot papers for the Legislative Council Hong Kong Island by-election was determined today (November 4) through the drawing of lots.

All the six nominations were verified as valid by the Returning Officer. The candidates and their list numbers are:

Ms Jennifer Chow Kit-bing (List number 1)

Mr Shi Kai-biu (List number 2)

Mr Paul Tse Wai-chun (List number 3)

Mr Simon Lo Ching-cheung (List number 4)

Mr Christopher Chung Shu-kun (List Number 5)

Ms Audrey Eu Yuet-mee (List number 6)

The by-election will be held on Sunday, December 10 to fill a seat in the Hong Kong Island geographical constituency.

At a briefing for the candidates, the Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing, urged the candidates and their agents to strictly observe electoral rules to help make the by-election fair, open and honest.

A complaints hotline, 2827 7656, is in operation to receive complaints about breaches of the Guidelines on Election-related Activities issued by the Commission.

A total of 94 venues in schools, community centres, indoor games halls and post offices have been designated as polling stations. They will be open to 627,000 registered electors on Hong Kong Island from 7.30 am to 10.30 pm on December 10.

About 90 per cent of the electors may vote in the same polling station as in the September elections. Only nine of the polling stations have not been used in the September elections.

The Registration and Electoral Office will send a poll card and a map of the designated polling station to each elector by the end of November informing them of where to vote. A voting guide and a leaflet containing personal particulars about the candidates and their platform will also be sent to the electors.

The list of polling stations and more information about the by-election are available on the election homepage, Members of the public are welcome to call the hotline, 2891 1001, to enquire about arrangements for the by-election.

Hall 7B of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Phase 1, Wan Chai, will be used as the Central Counting Station. All ballot boxes will be delivered there immediately after the close of polling for the count.

End/Saturday, November 4, 2000