Press Release



Chief Justice's statement on appointment of CFA judges


The following statement is issued by the Honourable Chief Justice Andrew Kwok-nang Li :

"All members of the Judiciary join me in welcoming the appointment of Mr Justice Patrick Chan and Mr Justice Ribeiro as permanent judges of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA), the appointment of Mr Justice Litton and Mr Justice Ching as non-permanent Hong Kong judges of the CFA upon their ceasing as permanent judges, and the appointment of Sir Gerard Brennan, Sir Thomas Eichelbaum and Lord Millett as non-permanent CFA judges from other common law jurisdictions. All these appointees are most distinguished judges. These appointments have been made by the Chief Executive on the unanimous recommendation of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission. I have complete confidence in them," said the Hon Chief Justice Li.

" According to the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance, the Chief Executive shall obtain the endorsement of the Legislative Council on these appointments. Accordingly, at this stage, it would not be appropriate for me to comment further on these appointments."

" I would however like to say a few words about the departure of Mr Justice Litton and Mr Justice Ching."

" I know that Mr Justice Litton has, together with his family, given most careful and anxious consideration to this decision. Much as I regret his ceasing to be a permanent judge of the CFA, I fully understand and respect his decision to accord priority at this stage of his life to spending more time with his family whose members are settled overseas in I believe three countries."

"I also wish Mr Justice Ching a most happy retirement."

"On behalf of the Judiciary, I wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Mr Justice Litton and Mr Justice Ching for their great service to the law and the Judiciary. Their contribution to the law before they joined the Judiciary is of course widely acclaimed. In the Judiciary, their service have been most distinguished. They have always maintained and encouraged others to maintain the highest professional standards. I am deeply grateful to them for their enormous contribution to the work of the CFA in the formative years and for the unstinting support they have given me as Chief Justice."

" Throughout their careers, Mr Justice Litton and Mr Justice Ching have served the Hong Kong community both in the law and in other fields with dedication, energy and effectiveness. This commands the respect of all. They will be departing with the highest respect of the entire Judiciary. They will always be respectfully remembered and sadly missed."

" On behalf of the Judiciary, I wish Mr Justice Litton and Mr Justice Ching and their families good health and every happiness for the future."

" And I naturally welcome their willingness to serve as non-permanent Hong Kong judges of the CFA."

End/Wednesday, May 10, 2000