Press Release



Commissioner for Transport's Speech


The following is the text of the speech (English only) delivered by the Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman at the Citybus Plasmavision Launch at North Point Ferry Terminus today (Tuesday):

Ladies and gentlemen,

Transport Department's vision includes working with our transport operator partners, to provide the world's best transport system to the Hong Kong people.

To do this, we have asked the travelling public what they want from our bus services.

We found out that, other than safe, reliable, and courteous service, the public also want comprehensive information about the services they use.

The technology used in this plasma display will take us a step closer to their "wish-list"!

This unit, while extremely compact, can provide endless possibilities. It will provide bus route information and next stop display. It can also carry other forms of information, and even, entertainment.

Making bus travelling attractive is a goal consistent with the overall transport policy to encourage, and to increase, the use of public transport.

I congratulate Citybus for their foresight. They are the world's first bus operator to conduct a trial on yet another leading edge technological product. The effort of Citybus is an example of how public transport operators could collaborate with the Government to provide better services for members of the public. I sincerely wish them all the best in this trial.

End/Tuesday, February 22, 2000