Press Release



LC:Second reading of Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Bill 2000


Following is the speech by the Secretary for the Environment and Food, Mrs Lily Yam, in moving the second reading of the Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Bill 2000 in the Legislative Council today (Wednesday) :

Madam President,

I move that the Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Bill 2000 be read the second time.

The purpose of the Dumping at Sea Ordinance is to provide for a permit system to control the dumping of substances and articles from vessels, aircraft, and marine structures in the sea. This Ordinance gives the Authorities the power to prevent activities that may cause an environmental hazard. It also ensures that the HKSAR comply with the provisions of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters.

The main purpose of the Amendment Bill is to remove a loophole through which certain activities that are authorized under the Foreshore and Seabed (Reclamations) Ordinance are exempted from the permit system, even though they constitute dumping activities. An administrative arrangement to require permits in such cases has already been instituted. The Amendment Bill gives legal backing to this arrangement.

If the Amendment Bill is passed, all works authorized under the Foreshore and Seabed (Reclamations) Ordinance will be covered by the permit system under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance. Since our objective is to ensure control of dumping activities, I will, at the same time, make an Order to exempt land formation projects from the permit requirement. Reclamation works for land formation authorized under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance will also be included in the Exemption Order.

The Amendment Bill will provide for more effective over marine dumping activities, while the proposed exemption order will prevent properly authorized reclamation projects from having to obtain additional approval. I recommend the Amendment Bill to Honourable Members.

End/Wednesday, January 26, 2000