Press Release



Continual Efforts to Protect the Harbour


The Executive Council has approved the introduction of the Protection of the Harbour (Amendment) Bill 1999 in further protecting and preserving the Victoria Harbour.

A Government spokesman said today (Saturday) that the Amendment Bill will expand the geographical area of the harbour covered by the existing Protection of the Harbour Ordinance.

" 'The presumption against reclamation' will apply not only to the 'central harbour' as defined in the existing Ordinance but also the entire Victoria Harbour if the Bill is enacted," the spokesman explained.

He said that the Government had clearly acknowledged the importance of preserving and protecting the harbour as evidenced under the reclamation proposed for the South East Kowloon Development.

"The Chief Executive's Policy Address also reiterates that it deserves our efforts to protect our harbour and make it more beautiful and attractive," he added.

"It is already the Government's practice to have regard to presumption against reclamation as a material consideration in making any decision on reclamation or exercising any power which relates to reclamation within the Victoria Harbour."

Furthermore, the Town Planning Board has recognised the importance of protecting and preserving the harbour and has formulated its 'Vision and Goals for the Harbour'.

The Amendment Bill will be gazetted on October 22 before introduction into the Legislative Council on November 3, 1999.

End/Saturday, October 16, 1999