Press Release



Arrangement regarding Policy Address related documents


In response to press enquiries, a government spokesman clarified today (Tuesday) the arrangement regarding the Policy Address related documents for this year.

Instead of publishing the Progress Report separately as in the past, the progress achieved in respect of different policy areas will be reported in detail in the Policy Objective booklets which will be published on the same day as the Policy Address.

"It will be an improvement since readers will be able to obtain all relevant information within a single document," the spokesman said.

"The Government is committed to ensuring transparency of its policies and programmes and accounting fully for the progress made in implementing our previous pledges.

"With this objective in mind, the Policy Objective booklets for this year will present a comprehensive picture of what Government is seeking to achieve in respect of different policy areas, the progress achieved last year, and the plans to deliver results in the next 12 months."

The new arrangement has been made in the light of the comments received on the Progress Report published last year.

Policy Secretaries will individually present the Policy Objective booklets within their policy areas to the relevant LegCo panels after the Policy Address day.

End/Tuesday, September 28, 1999