Legco election voter turnout (1730)

   Following is the voter turnout rate of the Legislative
Council election as at 5.30 pm:

Geographical                     Voter         Rate
Constituency                     Turnout          %
------------                     ---------   ------

Hong Kong Island                   205,566    34.48

Kowloon West                       139,556    33.92

Kowloon East                       170,993    35.34

New Territories West               233,724    32.99

New Territories East               207,658    34.88

     Total                         957,497    34.25


Urban Council                           43    91.49

Regional Council                        42    84.00

Agriculture and Fisheries              136    82.42

Insurance                              132    68.39

Transport                               98    71.53

Education                           27,167    44.40

Legal                                1,486    41.99

Accountancy                          3,697    37.45

Medical                              2,532    37.42

Health Services                      9,059    32.99

Engineering                          2,607    48.99

Labour                                 284    78.67

Real Estate and                        234    66.48

Industrial(Second)                     213    60.34

Financial Services                     238    62.30

Sports, Performing Arts,               612    56.30
Culture and Publication

Wholesale and Retail                 1,026    47.61

Information Technology               1,719    55.27

     Total                          51,325    41.89

Election Committee

Election Committee                     682    85.25

End/Sunday, May 24, 1998