New IT and Broadcasting Bureau comes into operation


The reorganisation of the Broadcasting, Culture and Sport Bureau into a new Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau will come into effect tomorrow (Thursday).

The Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, while retaining the policy on broadcasting and film services development, will assume policy responsibility for the development of information technology (IT) throughout Government and the promotion of the wider use of IT in the community.

He will take over from the Secretary for Economic Services and the Secretary for Treasury their respective responsibility for telecommunications policies and the co-ordination of IT applications in Government bureaux and departments.

The policy responsibility for arts, culture, sports, physical recreation and entertainment licensing exercisable by the Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport will be transferred to the Secretary for Home Affairs.

Pending the availability of new accommodation in Murray Building, Garden Road, in the summer, the Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting and his staff will be temporarily accommodated on the 41/F, Revenue Tower and the 26/F, Wanchai Tower. The respective telephone enquiry numbers are 2594 6644 and 2582 3049, while the e-mail address is

A notice giving effect to the Resolution passed by the Provisional Legislative Council yesterday (Tuesday) under Section 54A of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance will be published in the Gazette tomorrow (Thursday).

End/Wednesday, April 8, 1998