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Seminars and Discussion Group

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Regional Forum on Constitutional Development
(Hong Kong Island)
(21 July 2004)

Group Discussion Summaries
Group 3: Mr Lai Tat-sang


Method for Selecting the Chief Executive

The Number of Members of the Election Committee

  • Participants supported an increase in the number of members. They proposed an increase up to 1 600 to 2 000.

  • A participant proposed to enlarge the Election Committee to over 10 000 members, including all District Council members, Area Committees, kai-fong associations, Owners' Corporations and Mutual Aid Committees.

The Composition of the Election Committee

  • A participant proposed to add all District Council members to the Election Committee. However, another participant preferred including only directly elected District Council members.

  • A participant expressed his wish to add an education subsector (in particular for pre-school education sector).

The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates

  • Participants held different views. There was support for increasing, reducing or maintaining the number of subscribers required.

  • A participant would like to increase the required number of subscribers to 20% of the total number of Election Committee members.

The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of the Election Committee

  • The majority of participants thought that the scope and size of the electorate of the Election Committee should be expanded.

  • Some participants suggested replacing corporate votes with individual votes.

  • A participant supported direct election of Election Committee members by all voters in geographical constituencies.

Method for Forming the Legislative Council

The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council

  • The majority of participants supported an increase in the number of seats in the Legislative Council, so as to alleviate the heavy workload of legislators. A participant proposed adding ten directly-elected seats but no functional constituency seats, making the total number of seats 70. This participant was of the view that if the ratio stipulated in the decision of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress must be maintained, he had no objection to adding five seats each to geographical constituencies and functional constituencies.

  • Some participants thought that in accordance with the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decision, the number of directly elected seats should equal to the number of seats returned by functional constituencies. Hence an increase in the former inevitably entailed an increase in the latter. As this was inconsistent with the ultimate goal of universal suffrage, no change should be introduced now.

The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies

  • Participants proposed to add new constituencies for women, Mainland enterprises, culture and arts, logistics and kai-fong associations.

  • Some participants suggested replacing corporate votes with individual votes, and including certain self-employed persons (e.g. drivers, writers) in the electorate of the relevant functional constituencies.

  • A participant suggested that only those organizations that registered with the Police could be included in the electorate.

Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members

  • The majority of participants proposed a gradual phasing out of Legislative Council Members of non-Chinese nationality until all Legislative Council Members were Hong Kong permanent residents of Chinese nationality. There was support for increasing the number of members of non-Chinese nationality and maintaining the status quo respectively.


  • A participant urged the Government to publicize a timetable for constitutional development.

  • A participant queried that universal suffrage might not be the most democratic way.

  • There was a view that voters should be asked to choose to vote in either direct elections in geographical constituencies or in functional constituencies. One-voter-multiple-votes should not be allowed.

  • A participant requested the Government to look into the power and responsibilities of Bureau Secretaries and Heads of Departments in the constitutional development review.

  • A participant suggested reviewing the remuneration of Legislative Council Members with a view to reducing it.

  • A participant urged the Government to engage academics in promoting the Basic Law.
